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You have successfully completed the webquest!


Throughout this activity you have had the chance to consider the oftentimes complex, context-dependent interplay between the benefits and challenges of wind power generation. In doing so you have not only researched and reflected upon its social impact, its historical development, and the scientific underpinnings of the technologies deployed, but also their interconnectedness.

While this webquest has focused on wind power, we hope that the insights you have acquired stand you in good stead for tackling - in an informed fashion - the inevitable future debates on renewable energies in general. Remember that whichever point of view you ultimately espouse, you should try your best to first gain familiarity with as many facets of a topic as possible!

The solution to meeting our world's energy needs has by no means been definitively formulated, but make no mistake, you will certainly be part of it! We hope that you look forward to becoming engaged and responsible citizens and that this activity has given you a taste of the excitement that comes with fighting for an important cause - energy sustainability.

Last but not least, what will Alberta's energy future look like? How will that impact its economy? Will Alberta forge new global alliances  based on the implementation of renewable technologies? Certain answers may elude us at this point but don't forget you are surely off to a good start: you have already looked at how wind power may fit into the overall Albertan energy landscape.


Don't let yourselves be silenced!

You can contribute something of value to the debate!


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